Paginating RESTful API responses in Spring MVC

Pagination lets you split large RESTful API responses from Spring MVC into smaller chunks called pages. In this post, let us see how to use Spring MVC and Spring JPA to paginate a JSON response from a spring boot application. Pagination and Sorting in Spring MVC As we have seen earlier, we can implement pagination…

Pagination and Sorting in Spring JPA

Let’s learn how to use Process a large number of records effectively using Pagination and Sorting in Spring Data JPA. What is Pagination and Sorting? Most often, the result set from a database can be overwhelming. It can be overwhelming to a point where systems crash because they can’t handle that much data on a…

Spring Boot Database Initialization

Let’s learn all about database initialization in spring boot. We can create and populate a database in different ways. Even though it is common to do this manually, an automatic approach is not a bad thing. For example, Spring Boot offers Schema and Data initialization through the JPA module. We can control this behavior using…