Thymeleaf views from database in Spring Boot

In this post, We will learn how to load thymeleaf views from the database without restarting the spring boot application. Problems with thymeleaf view files You have seen how to load thymeleaf templates for views or HTML emails. The problem with thymeleaf views is that you need to make a new build when you make…

Spring Boot Email using Thymeleaf with Example

Let us see how to send HTML emails using thymeleaf templates in a spring boot application. Things got easier with spring boot and thymeleaf template engine. As you know, Thymeleaf is used as a View in Spring MVC applications. However, do you know you can use the same template Engine for generating rich HTML emails?…

Handling Date objects in Thymeleaf

In this post, We will see how to format and work with date objects in thymeleaf templates using the #dates utility with an example. Introduction Before getting in further, read a little about thymeleaf and how it can help build dynamic web applications. The #dates object in thymeleaf deals with date objects in thymeleaf model….

Comparators and equality in Thymeleaf

Even though we do not pay attention to these operations much, Comparators and equality operators are the key aspects in thymeleaf expressions. In this post, we will see how these operators can be used. Comparison Operators (Comparators) You can compare values and expressions using the >, <, >= and <= Comparators. These operators behave the same way as they would behave in most…

Enums in Thymeleaf templates

In this post, We will take a look at how we can use enums in thymeleaf with examples. Select tag in HTML is usually a form input with a set of pre-defined options. Even though it is common to hard code these values, thymeleaf can offer you much more leverage with Enum support. Let’s see how we can…

Thymeleaf Expressions in Spring Boot

Thymeleaf let us create dynamic views via extensive use of expressions in the template files. The simple form of expressions fall into four main categories. Variable expressions Variable expressions are the most commonly used ones in thymeleaf templates. These expressions help bind the data from the template context(model) into the resulting html(view). For example, The…

Thymeleaf Literals and Constants in Spring Boot

In this post, We will see how to use String literals,numeric and boolean constants in thymeleaf templates with an example in a spring boot application. Spring Boot can support any primitive data type to be a literal in an expression. To clarify, all number types, Char types, boolean type and ofcourse strings. Text literals in…

Thymeleaf Fragments in Spring Boot Application

Thymeleaf fragments let you break down your templates into reusable layout elements. For example, Several pages may have different content but still have the same header and footer. In these cases, Writing these into a separate template file and reusing it is not a bad idea. Fragments in Action Let’s take this snippet from a…

Thymeleaf Form POST Handling in Spring Boot

In this post, we will take a look how to handle form POST request submission from thymeleaf template in Spring boot and how to bind form elements to a Model object. Typical Form handling For applications that use Thymeleaf views, AJAX may be overkill. But form handling is not simple. At least in the context…