Accessing in Spring Boot

In this post, We will take a look at accessing property values from the in a spring boot application with examples. Using @Value annotation The easiest way to access values from or application.yaml is to use the @Value annotation. Just define these annotations in your Bean classes and spring will populate the values…

Using JdbcTemplate with Spring Boot

Introduction Spring Boot provides support to typical JDBC operations via jdbcTemplate. With JDBC templates, you can perform complex database operations which are not possible through JPA. Starter Dependencies JDBC templates feature is part of the Spring JDBC module. This means that either the JPA starter or the JDBC starter will bring this support. As we…

Derby Embedded Database for Spring Boot

In this post, We will see how we can use Apache Derby embedded database with Spring Boot applications with an example. Introduction Apache Derby is a pure java implementation of a relational database. Also, it complies with JDBC and RDBMS standards. For this reason, we can easily embed Derby into applications. Derby Dependencies for Spring…

Spring Boot H2 Database

Introduction Let’s learn how to use the h2 database with the spring boot application and its configuration via application properties. H2 is an in-memory database that we can embed within the application. For this reason, H2 is the right candidate for loading test data or to prototype an application. Spring Boot Dependencies Spring Boot doesn’t…