Handling Lists in Thymeleaf view

In this article, We will see how to handle Lists in thymeleaf templates with an example using th:each attribute. Loop through a Lists Let’s create a list of Objects first and then supply it to the Model and View. For this reason, We created a UserInfo object. The list we are going to use in our thymeleaf model is…

Thymeleaf CRUD web Application with Example

In this post, We will try to create a Simple Thymeleaf CRUD web application using Spring Boot. A CRUD application lets you Create, Read, Update and Delete things like files, database entries etc. With the help of JPA repositories and their built-in methods, it’s easy implement this. In this guide, we’ll learn how to build a CRUD web application with…

Customizing Spring Session Cookies

In this post, We will take a look at Customizing Spring Session Cookies with an example. Typical behaviour In session-based authentications like Form-Login and CAS(Central Authentication System), the session is established via cookies. This is done by sending a Set-Cookie header after a successful login similar to the one shown below. Once the browser reads this response…

Password Encoder in Spring Security

In this post, We will take a look at password encoders in detail with an example. Traditionally, storing passwords were hard. The application will have to encode user passwords and store them in a database. But with password encoders provided by spring security, all of these can be done automatically. Password Encoders are beans that…

Session Tracking modes in Spring security

Applications maintain their state with the user using a concept called session. In this post we will see about different type of session tracking modes and how they work. When an application authenticates a user, it can do two possible things. Forget about the user after the request is processed and user will have to authenticate for each…

Generate PDF files with Spring Boot using ITextPDF

In this post, we will discuss how to generate PDF files using Spring Boot, thymeleaf, and Itext library. Understanding Itext PDF The library helps generate PDF files by either creating each element manually or by converting HTML+CSS into PDF. The methods provided by this library are straightforward. Let’s see both of these methods in action….