Derby Embedded Database for Spring Boot

In this post, We will see how we can use Apache Derby embedded database with Spring Boot applications with an example. Introduction Apache Derby is a pure java implementation of a relational database. Also, it complies with JDBC and RDBMS standards. For this reason, we can easily embed Derby into applications. Derby Dependencies for Spring…

Spring Boot H2 Database

Introduction Let’s learn how to use the h2 database with the spring boot application and its configuration via application properties. H2 is an in-memory database that we can embed within the application. For this reason, H2 is the right candidate for loading test data or to prototype an application. Spring Boot Dependencies Spring Boot doesn’t…

Drools Rule Engine for Spring Boot – Tutorial

Lets learn how to integrate Drools Rule Engine with Spring Boot application for business rules management with an Example. Drools is a Business Rule Engine that is based on Java Rules API. It lets you create complex applications where the business logic changes a lot post development. Introduction To Drools For example, you may run…

Spring Boot Interview Questions 2021

Let’s go through some of the important Spring Boot interview questions for beginners. We gathered these questions from some of the top MNCs across the globe. What is Spring Boot? Spring Boot is an opinionated view of the Spring ecosystem and third-party libraries to kickstart an application development with ease. Spring Boot makes this possible…

Spring @Async to increase performance in 3 steps

Lets learn about Spring Boot @Async annotation and use it to achieve Async (asynchronous) method execution in Spring Boot. Introduction to @Async annotation Normally, A program would run from top to bottom. But sometimes, one operation or method may take time and it would cause other methods to wait. In these cases, it makes sense…

Comparators and equality in Thymeleaf

Even though we do not pay attention to these operations much, Comparators and equality operators are the key aspects in thymeleaf expressions. In this post, we will see how these operators can be used. Comparison Operators (Comparators) You can compare values and expressions using the >, <, >= and <= Comparators. These operators behave the same way as they would behave in most…

Enums in Thymeleaf templates

In this post, We will take a look at how we can use enums in thymeleaf with examples. Select tag in HTML is usually a form input with a set of pre-defined options. Even though it is common to hard code these values, thymeleaf can offer you much more leverage with Enum support. Let’s see how we can…

Handling Lists in Thymeleaf view

In this article, We will see how to handle Lists in thymeleaf templates with an example using th:each attribute. Loop through a Lists Let’s create a list of Objects first and then supply it to the Model and View. For this reason, We created a UserInfo object. The list we are going to use in our thymeleaf model is…

Boolean in Thymeleaf for Conditional Evaluation

Thymeleaf relies a lot on boolean conditionals to render the HTML views. In this post, we will see how thymeleaf handles boolean values using th:if and th:unless directives. Boolean expressions in Thymeleaf In Thymeleaf, all expressions can act as a Boolean expression. For example, The following values are considered false. An expression or a literal…

Thymeleaf Literals and Constants in Spring Boot

In this post, We will see how to use String literals,numeric and boolean constants in thymeleaf templates with an example in a spring boot application. Spring Boot can support any primitive data type to be a literal in an expression. To clarify, all number types, Char types, boolean type and ofcourse strings. Text literals in…