Thymeleaf Literals and Constants in Spring Boot

In this post, We will see how to use String literals,numeric and boolean constants in thymeleaf templates with an example in a spring boot application. Spring Boot can support any primitive data type to be a literal in an expression. To clarify, all number types, Char types, boolean type and ofcourse strings. Text literals in…

Thymeleaf Expressions in Spring Boot

Thymeleaf let us create dynamic views via extensive use of expressions in the template files. The simple form of expressions fall into four main categories. Variable expressions Variable expressions are the most commonly used ones in thymeleaf templates. These expressions help bind the data from the template context(model) into the resulting html(view). For example, The…

Thymeleaf Fragments in Spring Boot Application

Thymeleaf fragments let you break down your templates into reusable layout elements. For example, Several pages may have different content but still have the same header and footer. In these cases, Writing these into a separate template file and reusing it is not a bad idea. Fragments in Action Let’s take this snippet from a…

Thymeleaf CRUD web Application with Example

In this post, We will try to create a Simple Thymeleaf CRUD web application using Spring Boot. A CRUD application lets you Create, Read, Update and Delete things like files, database entries etc. With the help of JPA repositories and their built-in methods, it’s easy implement this. In this guide, we’ll learn how to build a CRUD web application with…

Thymeleaf Form POST Handling in Spring Boot

In this post, we will take a look how to handle form POST request submission from thymeleaf template in Spring boot and how to bind form elements to a Model object. Typical Form handling For applications that use Thymeleaf views, AJAX may be overkill. But form handling is not simple. At least in the context…

Spring Boot Hazelcast Cache – Guide

This is a complete guide for using Hazelcast as cache backend in your spring boot application with an example. What is Hazelcast? Hazelcast (Hazelcast-IMDG) is an in-memory data grid. The ideal use-case for Hazelcast-IMDG would be store and replicate cached content between applications. The grid itself is a collection of embedded instances of Hazelcast runtime. Many of…

Spring sessions in a Separate Database

Storing session details in Redis or database is usually a good idea. However, the default implementation of spring-session-jdbc uses the primary data source to store and retrieve data from the session related tables. This can be a problem when there is a large amount of session related operations to the database. To avoid these situations,…

Storing Spring Sessions in Database using JDBC

In this post, We will take a look at setting up Spring Boot Session module using database/JDBC as the backend. Introduction When running multiple instances of the same application, sharing the session data can be a good idea. In this post we will take a look at using a database as a session store for…

Redis as Session Store in Spring Boot

In this post, We will take a look at implementing Redis as a Session store in Spring Boot with an example. When running multiple instances behind a load balancer, maintaining sessions can be a problem. For example, let’s say instance-2 receives a login request and establishes a session for the user. However, the second request…

Customizing Spring Session Cookies

In this post, We will take a look at Customizing Spring Session Cookies with an example. Typical behaviour In session-based authentications like Form-Login and CAS(Central Authentication System), the session is established via cookies. This is done by sending a Set-Cookie header after a successful login similar to the one shown below. Once the browser reads this response…